- Os Extreme de Nuno Bettencourt lançaram o novo disco, «Six», no dia 9 de Junho através da earMusic. A banda que conta ainda com Gary Cherone (voz), Pat Badger (baixo) e Kevin Figueiredo (bateria), gravou o novo trabalho no estúdio do guitarrista em Los Angeles. Depois do muito falado single, «Rise», e dos outros dois singles, «#Rebel», «Banshee», «Other Side of the Rainbow» e «Hurricane», a banda acaba de lançar um vídeo para o tema, «Thicker Than Blood».
Aqui fica o vídeo para o novo single «Thicker Than Blood»:
Alinhamento: 1. Rise [vídeo] 2. #Rebel [vídeo] 3. Banshee [vídeo] 4. Other Side Of The Rainbow [vídeo] 5. Small Town Beautiful 6. The Mask 7. Thicker Than Blood 8. Save Me 9. Hurricane [vídeo] 10. X Out 11. Beautiful Girls 12. Here's To The Losers
- Nuno Bettencourt usou o Instagram para pedir desculpas a Richard Fortus pela troca de palavras mais azedas. O guitarrista português confessou que tem de pensar melhor antes de falar e que nunca teve intenção de ofender ninguém, que reagiu de forma quente e que nem sabe porque usou o nome de Slash quando questionado sobre ter tocado Rihanna, a não ser por ambos serem guitarristas de rock e que ele deu demasiada importância de fazer parte da banda de Rihanna.
- As coisas aqueceram entre o guitarrista dos Extreme, Nuno Bettencourt, e o guitarrista dos Guns n' Roses, Richard Fortus. Tudo porque Richard Fortus comentou uma parangona do site guitar.com que dava a entender que Nuno Bettencourt tinha dito que Slash não conseguiria tocar músicas de Rhianna. O guitarrista português não gostou, porque o comentário de Fortus era feito numa frase fora de contexto e que isso poderia prejudicar a amizade de Nuno com Slash. Num comentário no Instagram, Bettencourt explicou o que realmente quis dizer, afirmando que desconhecia o trabalho de Richard Fortus e que nunca o tinha ouvido tocar uma nota. Aqui fica a declaração completa de Nuno Bettencourt:
"Welp… I new this was eventually coming.
"You can't be blessed and be on multiple guitar magazine covers at a shocking 56 years old, get this much attention for your playing and new album as a rock guitarist without another guitarist stirring up some shit.
"Im responding to this not cause I give a shit about what this guitarist thinks about me but, instead, because I'd hate to think my few words offended a hero of mine, @slash and possibly fuck up my relationship with him.
"@4tus I've 'respectively' never heard you play one note in my 56 years of being alive and only know your name from the Rihanna camp and as a replacement player in GUNS.
"I'm sure you're a decent player, but did you really need to repost a headline that made me look like I am badmouthing a fellow player, Slash.
"As if I'd ever think Slash isn't capable of playing any Rihanna song in his sleep.
"Let's get something fucking straight. To me, Slash is one of the greatest rock guitarists of my generation and of all time. PERIOD. And @4tus if you knew me at all and where my heart is you'd know that what I meant in this statement was not about Slash or his capability, It was about Rock guitarists like myself or Slash switching genres and the awkwardness of playing these feels.
"No SHIT Slash can play these songs, thank you so much for pointing that out as if we didn't already know that. But for me as a predominant ROCK guitarist, Im obviously not as talented as you and found it a challenge to nail all the different pockets and guitar tones of genres like Reggae, R&B, Electronic Dance, Trap and pop.
"As far as you shining a light on my ridiculous statement that Slash would 'struggle', yes a poor word choice on my part, I personally would hope that Slash who is a peer and influence would be more mature enough to understand what I truly meant as a guitarist by that comment.
"In mentioning Slash as an iconic Rock example, I meant in general a rock guitarist would find it, NOT A STRUGGLE, but feel like a fish out of water as a player. THATS ALL I MEANT.
"I've had NOTHING but respect and admiration for @gunsnroses and @slash.
"Apologies if I've unintentionally offended anyone."